Coastal Living ( )
To envision a future where people all live along the coast and leave the mainland free for nature, which will become a publically accessible international vacation resort.
Shanhaiguan Plan ( )
To relocate Songzhuang, the artists’ village facing urgent threat of demolition, into the dormant old core of the coastal city Shanhaiguan, and reactivate a forgotten history. To protect those marginal art and artists; and to effectively stimulate the potential of this under developed town -- one stone two birds.
The 3km City ( )
To envision a future city consisting of a series of micro-cities with radius 3kmand are all connected by public transportation. Inside the micro-cities, homes, workplaces, cafés, restaurants and shops are all within walking and cycling distance.
World of Cities ( )
To imagine a future world with no countries but different cities; and cities are all connected by seaports, airports, railways and highways. The natural landscape in between will be shared by all.