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List of Awards

Date Award | Project
Taiwan Golden Pin Design Award (CN) | Best Design Award | UCCA Dune Art Museum
AZ Awards (CA) | UCCA Dune Art Museum
Archdaily Building of the Year Awards | UCCA Dune Art Museum
P/A Awards (US) | Chapel of Sound
AIA Education Facility Design Award of Excellence (US) | Tsinghua Ocean Center
Civic Trust Awards (UK) | Tsinghua Ocean Center
Iconic Awards Best of Best (GER) | UCCA Dune Art Museum, Sea Art Museum
Iconic Awards Best of Best (GER) | UCCA Dune Art Museum, Sea Art Museum
Iconic Awards Winner (GER) | Tsinghua Ocean Center
Interior Design’s Best of Year Awards Winner (US) | HEX-SYS
The Merit Award of WA Awards for Chinese Architecture | Tsinghua Ocean Center
Golden Pin Design Awards | HEX-SYS
Golden Pin Design Awards | Gehua Youth and Cultural Center
The Creation Gold Awards from Architectural Society of China | Stepped Courtyards
The Creation Gold Awards from Architectural Society of China | Garden School / Beijing No.4 High School Fangshan Campus

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